Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Go jump off a Bridge!

 The are a few things I can not say "no" to and somewhere close to the top of that list is refusing Free Shit. I don't know what it is. Call it my inner black, if you will, or as some may refer to it as your "Inner Jew". That is  the inexplicable inability to refuse free hand outs which is not to be confused with your "Inner Indian", which is an inexplicable desire to barter and or negotiate price.
It is this "Inner Jew" that resulted in my standing lock jawed and paralyzed with fear on a bridge 216m above nothing but sheered rocks and a shallow river pools. I am quite convinced I saw the crushed skull of the last idiot that got 'dooped' into doing this on my way up here. But shhhh... I cant show fear in front of the guys.

It was day 6 of the ReeBurth Tour with Fire Fly and we had performed a very chilled acoustic set in Plettenburg Bay the night before. It was at this show, at a venue called Swing Cafe, that we were approached by a gentleman named Braden who thought it to be a good idea to throw five black guys off a bridge. For his own personal amusement no doubt. Playing at all our "Inner Jews"  he made it free for us.WHO WOULD SAY NO!!!

So that is how I found myself on the highest Bungy Bridge in the world with my knees just seconds from collapsing and my breath everywhere but in me. Half my band had already done it. I couldn't chicken out now. But every time I would look down over the edge, I was overwhelmed with crippling nerve spasms that would shoot through every limb of my silently quivering body and squeeze all the breath and bravery out of me. It was the involuntary influx of images of every possible thing that could go wrong that was screaming as loud as logic to GET THE F%CK OUT OF THERE!!!

It takes a lot to over ride that Flight Instinct when faced with with danger. Its so unnatural to tell your body that jumping off this bridge head first towards that gouge is what you want it to do. But I HAD to do it. I HAD to show a brave face, After all they all did it.(instantly pictured a lecturing mom saying "if all you friends jumped off a bridge would you??? well...) Plus there was a really hot girl watching. This school yard alpha "Boy" mentality was the only difference between my jumping and not!

My last thought, seconds before taking the plunge, was " if i die from this, my mom is so gonna kill me".
...and so I did it.

I wont even try and describe with mere words the sheer euphoria that is Bungy Jumping. I could do it no justice descriptively  but I will say  this. YOU HAVE TO TRY IT.

In these videos you see us just before jumping. Stocking up on tons of Monster to hype ourselves up and even Oscar acting all hardcore about jumping. Oh BTW he eventually jump. Or should I say collapsed off.

More Videos ????  Ok ill post some of this day soon, Including the actual jump. Dont forget to follow me on twitter (Tumin2D) and follow the blog after leaving your most random, preferably unrelated comment. :P
Love Tumi

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